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2025 Moon Calendar




Herbal Wisdom by Brittany Wood Nickerson
Illustrations by Chelsea Granger

The Moon Calendar is designed to help you keep track of and live in harmony with the cycles of the moon. Lunar patterns can influence our body, mind, and spirit, and living in accordance with these tides can help to support our growth, creativity, inspiration, and productivity. The Moon Calendar is an excellent way to connect with natural cycles and get to know the phases of the moon. It is also an excellent place to keep track of one’s menstrual cycle, mental-emotional, and other of life’s patterns.

The 2025 Moon Calendar unites the moon’s cycles of waxing and waning with the plants and seasons of the Earth realm. This dance of seasons and cycles and the gifts we both receive and give back are never ending, yet always evolving and transforming us and the world around us.

Musings on each of the four primary moon phases (dark, waxing, full, and waning) walk us through the energies and themes of each phase of the cycle. Suggestions for plants to companion and support us in our process are embedded in the illustration of the night sky as well as briefly appreciated for their benefits and offerings in the description below the image.

Sample text from the Poster:

Dark Moon
The dark moon is a time to embrace the spaces of stillness inside ourselves as well as to seek them out in the world around us, all with a sense of curiosity. Carve out time to just be – to dream and daydream, to commune with the imaginal realm, and to reflect and rest. It is a potent time to prioritize that which inspires us and helps us feel connected to inner spaciousness. We explore these activities and inquiries as part of a deeply intimate and active process that nourishes our individual as well as the collective’s soul and spirit.

Working with Plant Companions
Companioning with a plant is the very conscious act of entering into a relationship with that plant by seeking to connect with its energy, spirit, and medicine as you offer your energy and love in return. These are some plants that we feel may be helpful to companion with during the four moon phases as well as any other times when you feel called to do so. Companioning with any plant can involve internal and external applications – to learn more about the applications for those listed below and others, please consult herb books and enroll in local and online classes.

Passionflower (dark moon) – to support a slower pace, to encourage your rest, relaxation, and inner calm, and to promote a quiet mind and deep sleep

13 x 19 inch poster.
Note: 13 x 19 is a standard frame size.

Shipping on posters: $6 for the first poster, $0.50 for each additional poster of any type.

Interested in learning more about the phases of the moon? Read Brittany’s Moon Wisdom blog posts!

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