2016 Schedule Coming Soon!
Click on the heading of each event to view a full class description further down on this page.
Hadley Garden Center
Hadley, MA: January 17, 2015, 1 – 2 pm Medicinal Herbs – Harvesting Storing and Using
Western Massachusetts Master Gardener Symposium
Saturday March 28, 2015 Springfield, MA
Just Roots Community Class Series
May 26 & September 22, 2015 Just Roots Farm, Greenfield, MA
International Herbal Symposium
June 12 – 14 2015 Wheaton College, MA
June 6 & 7, 2015 Somerville, MA
NOFA Summer Conference
August 14 – 16, 2015 Umass Amherst
Medicinal Herbs – Harvesting, Using and Storing
Saturday January 17, 2015, 1 – 2pm. Hadley Garden Center Integrating herbs into your lifestyle can be easy, practical and fun and can provide simple and natural solutions for many common ailments. We will discuss a variety of locally abundant and easy to grown herbs and their medicinal uses in the home pharmacy. We will cover methods for harvesting, drying and storing these herbs and how to use them in simple home remedies.
Western Massachusetts Master Gardener Symposium
Saturday March 28, 2015 Western Massachusetts Master Gardener Symposium Holyoke High School, Holyoke MA
Herbs – Harvesting, Storing and Using
Integrating herbs into your lifestyle can be easy, practical and fun and can provide simple and natural solutions for many common ailments. We will discuss a variety of locally abundant and easy to grown herbs and their medicinal uses in the home pharmacy. We will cover methods for harvesting, drying and storing these herbs and how to use them in simple home remedies.
Just Roots Community Class Series
Just Roots at Greenfield Community Farm, Greenfield To Register Email: annie@justroots.org
Cooking with Wild Foods
May 26, 6 – 8 pm. Incorporated into the diet, wild foods can offer a variety of health benefits, they can also empower us to be in closer connection with our environment. Foraging for and cooking with wild foods helps us to eat and live seasonally and to really know where our food comes from. In this class we will learn about common edible plants – how to identify and harvest them and prepare them in ways that are delicious and nutritious.
Fermented Foods – Health Benefits and Preparation Techniques
September 22, 6 – 8 pm. The health of probiotic flora in the digestive system is important for the absorption of nutrients, immune system function, controlling inflammation, mental/emotional well being and for preventing food allergies and skin conditions. Eating fermented foods is an excellent way to maintain and restore healthy probiotic gut flora. In anticipation of the upcoming growing season, we will learn how to make a variety of different fermented foods from vegetables and some fruits! Since fermentation is a natural means of food storage, these traditional preparation techniques can also help support efforts to eat and enjoy local and regional foods throughout the year.
June 6 & 7, 2014 Somerville, MA Thyme Herbal will be at HERBSTALK vending only this year, please stop by and visit us at the booth!
International Herbal Symposium
June 12 – 14, 2015 Wheaton College, MA
Addressing Female Hormonal Imbalance
Regardless of the stage of life, most female reproductive issues and symptoms point to some type of hormonal imbalance. Drawing on Brittany’s experience as a practicing herbalist, this class will explore the most common causes of hormonal imbalance and the herbal, lifestyle and dietary steps that need to be taken to restore balance. Materials presented will offer guidance for those seeking personal support as well as those looking to support others privately and professionally. This workshop will be held Friday afternoon.
Building Deep Relationships with Plants
INTENSIVE! The practice of developing an individual relationship with the plants you use medicinally is at the heart of traditional herbal practices from around the world. Using our senses, we will learn how to assess a plant’s healing qualities through sight, taste and smell. We will discuss principals from the doctrine of signatures and the doctrine of correspondences and how we can utilize our intuitive and spiritual practices to deepen our relationships with and our understanding of a plant’s medicinal uses. The skills developed in this class will help you use medicinal herbs in a more versatile, intuitive and holistic way. This is a hands on participatory class to help you develop the tools necessary for deeply knowing the plants you work with. All levels welcome. Please note, this is a 3 hour long intensive workshop and registration requires and additional fee. This intensive workshop will be held Saturday afternoon.
Daily Nourishment – The Power of Food as Medicine
What we feed ourselves and the relationship we have with that process are the building blocks of our mental, emotional and physical health and well-being. In this class we will discuss tools for reframing nourishment and self-care as active processes and validate the many different ways that these process can look and feel. We will discuss how food, herbal therapeutics and an intentional lifestyle can support this holistic path to health, and explore barriers to true health and healing – including judgment, guilt and shame. When we see nourishment as an active, daily practice, we find that our relationship with our health is as important as those things we ingest for health. This class will be inspiring and empowering! This workshop will be held Sunday.
NOFA Summer Conference
UMass Amherst August 14 – 16, 2015
Creating Herbal Remedies for Digestive Wellness
Pre conference Intensive – 3 1/2 hours! Great health starts with great digestion and herbal remedies are a powerful and often underutilized resource for supporting the health of this system. Herbal remedies are excellent for preventative wellness as well as for healing acute and chronic issues as they arise. This class will cover herbs that support all aspects of digestive wellness; from seasonal support to daily dietary and cooking tips to treating symptoms. We will discuss herbs that support metabolism and absorption, healthy flora, heal the gut and detoxify the system. As we work, we will learn how to incorporate these herbs into simple home remedies including herbal teas, syrups, tinctures, vinegars and honeys – providing the tools to incorporate these herbs and practices into your everyday life.
Kitchen Medicine
Many culinary herbs in your kitchen cupboard can relieve stress, help prevent the common cold, support digestion, ease a headache and reduce pain tension and cramping. Learn the medicinal uses of these powerful herbs either by incorporating them into your diet or in simple remedies, such as teas and syrups.
Herbal Care for Teeth and Gums
Herbs and other holistic approaches are effective in preventing and treating teeth and gum issues. We will discuss the therapeutic use of herbs for cleansing, reducing inflammation and pain, preventing infection, and healing tissues. Students will leave empowered to make their own tooth powder/paste, tooth rinse and more!
Past Conferences and Events
2012, 2013, 2014
NOFA Summer Conference
2011, 2012, 2014
NOFA Vermont Winter Conference
New England Women’s Herbal Conference
2012, 2014
Green Nations Gathering
2012, 2014
Northeast Herbal Association Retreat
Belly & Womb Conference
Herbal Community of Central Mass
Nature is my Medicine Series at Tower Hill Botanical Garden: 2013
Natural Living Expo
Cooking Demonstrations – 2013