Ritual for Reconnection will not be offered in 2021.
2022 class dates will be available in September 2021.
The integration of simple rituals into everyday life, throughout the seasons of the year and at major life thresholds create containers through which we can navigate our world and more deeply connect with ourselves, others, culture, and place. Ritual and ceremony have long been used to bridge gaps, transcend difference, gives thanks, heal, move through transition, and connect more deeply with our world. All spiritual systems use ritual as a way to cultivate connection with the unknown and help create context and meaning. In this course, we will explore the elements of ritual and aspects of earth-based spirituality to learn how to create simple and more involved rituals and ceremonies for ourselves, our families and within our communities – giving us the tools to develop a deeper sense of connection within all aspects of our lives. We will also explore ritual as a contextual life tool for helping us to remember – remember our roots, our deepest, most authentic selves, intentions for our lives, our ancestral stories, and how to follow our hearts, even amidst challenge and chaos.
In this course you will learn:
- Basic elements of ritual for everyday self-care, intention setting, earth-honoring, seasonal transitions and major life thresholds.
- The practice of creating various types of altars and sacred, safe space.
- The use of aromatic plants and herbal medicine to promote connection and access deep intuitive knowing.
- Skills and tools for practicing non-judgment and the art of deep listening.
- How to make and use plant, stone and spirit essences.
- Everyday rituals for mealtimes, morning and bedtime, setting boundaries and intentions.
- Ritual and ceremony for seasonal transitions; equinoxes, solstices, and cross-quarters.
- Ritual and ceremony for major life thresholds; birth, death, menarche, menopause, moving, relationship transitions, marriage, separation, and other major life transitions.
Thoughts on and respect for spiritual traditions:
While I do not consider myself to formally follow any specific religious or ethnic spiritual practice or belief system, I have found great comfort in exploring and reconnecting with my ancestral Celtic roots. It has fueled my desires and sense of magic and brought meaning and language to my spiritual practice that I did not have before. I feel the connection to this earth-based spirituality deep in my bones and blood and in the forces of the earth around me. As I work to reconnect with my own roots I find joy in bringing ritual, ceremony and intention to my daily life, to my community celebrations and to my family traditions. In this class, we develop tools of self-knowing, non-judgment, intuition, and deep observation to nourish our ritual and ceremonial practices. We cultivate our own intuition, wisdom, and desires so that we can create meaningful ritual in our own lives. While I will often draw on and reference my own Celtic/Pegan roots, we do not follow or draw on any one spiritual or cultural tradition and respect and credit are given to all cultural and spiritual systems that inspiration is drawn from. Conversations about respect and appropriation are woven into course discussions as they arise. Making space for these conversations is part of my effort to help unravel the controls of capitalism, racism and white supremacy that are so embedded in our culture.
Required Reading:
Braiding Sweetgrass, by Robin Wall Kimmerer (preferably to be read before our first class in March 2019)
Healing Magic: A Green Witch Guidebook to Conscious Living, by Robin Rose Bennett
Other reading that may be of interest:
To Bless the Space Between Us, by John O’Donohue
A certificate is awarded upon completion of the course.
2019: One Tuesday per month, 9:30 – 3:30 pm, March through November.
Tuesday Dates: March 26, April 23, May 21, June 18, July 16, August 27, September 24, October 22, November 19.
2018: One Tuesday per month, 9:30 – 3:30 pm, March through November.
Tuesday Dates: March 20, April 17, May 15, June 12, July 17, August 21, September 11, October 23, November 13.
Once class dates are set, changes are unlikely, but possible and will only be made if absolutely necessary. If you are registered for a class and a date change needs to be made, you will be individually informed as soon as possible.
All classes will be held at the Thyme Herbal classroom and gardens in Conway, Ma.
What if I have to miss a class?
Most students will have to miss at least one class over the course of the year. This is understandable and acceptable. Brittany can provide some materials to help you make up what you have missed, including reading assignments and activities. Students can coordinate with one another to get notes from missed classes.
Cost and Payment Details
Cost: $795, payment plans available. This class includes an additional $50 materials fee to be paid by cash or check on the first day of class. Classes include potluck lunches and herbs for medicine making, when applicable.
Payment Plan Options
Deposit of $255 due upon registration. Deposits are non-refundable and required to hold your spot in the class.
Payment Plan Option A: Following the $255 deposit, students will make 2, $270 payments. Payment 1: $270, due on or before May 2019 class meeting. Payment 2: $270, due on or before August 2019 class meeting.
Payment Plan Option B: Following $255 deposit, students will make a total of 9, $60 payments to be paid at each class meeting.
“It’s only been a week since Ritual for Reconnection came to a close and I can already feel the reverberation it will have for the rest of my life. Looking around at the treasures I brought home, the many material representations of the prayers I made- for my life, friends, family- I feel the strength of the container we created and how the magic will continue to unfurl for many years to come. Brittany is a skilled and loving guide, as adept at conveying concepts as she is at holding emotional and sacred space. It was a gift to walk these nine months with her and I look forward to more opportunities in the future!”
– Abigail, VT
“This course has provided more tools and resources for quelling uncertainty and disquiet than I thought possible. What a wonder intentionality is! By going to class in Conway, one creates a monthly ritual, and even when not in class, feels the embrace of every connection made. It acts as the medicine that it promotes, and proves that ritual-making demarcates time and space into comfortable and meaningful moments that can be held, cherished, and called on as a friend. If you take this course, as I hope you do, expect one easeful paradigm shift after another with an emotionally and energetically nourishing community, and an illustrious, warm-hearted teacher who makes everyone feel supported and understood. Perfectly balanced and paced – the sky is full of stars out of five.”
-Ash Beth, MA
“For nine months I was able to sneak away one Tuesday a month. The days were rich, slow, nourishing and healing. The reconnection to earth, plants, spirit and a group of supportive women was such a gift. Brittany’s teaching style was present, genuine, open minded, easy to digest and inspiring. I arrived to each class feeling all the love and care she put into her preparations and left feeling refueled and ready to incorporate more meaningful practices into my daily life.”
– Dawn, MA
“At our first class, I could not stop crying, in a very good way – I knew how fortunate I was, to be in this very special place, in a community, with such a wonderful, vibrant, knowledgeable teacher. I knew, without a doubt, that I was exactly where I was meant to be at this time in my life, and how very much I needed to be here. Brittany’s classes are always filled with generous wisdom and love and the group community reflects this in a magical and supportive way.
This is truly a very special gathering. Thank you, Brittany, for the amazing gifts you so generously share.”
-Denise, MA
“Thank you, Brittany, for all that you do and all that you are. Learning from you has been amazingly inspiring and empowering. I love observing you work and your fluid relationship with the plants, the world and yourself. I have gained much from our time spent together, and I greatly appreciate your open-armed and warm-hearted presence. How wonderful to know that mother earth has such lovely caretakers. Thank you for holding space for all of us to grow and learn.”
– Gina, MA
“What a magical journey you took us all on, Brittany! Please never stop spreading your admiration and love for the world of plants.”
– Anna, MA
“Brittany is a role model for this new, needed generation of healers.“
– Ashley, MA
“Brittany speaks so eloquently, I leave class feeling that I can easily incorporate all she has shared into my everyday life immediately.“
– Sophie