Most days, I feel like there is so much on my plate that when something…
Herbal Balsamic Vinaigrette (from Partner Earth Education Center)
The secrets’n the sauce…… or the dressing, as the case may be at Partner Earth Education Center. There is an old saying that, “great mind’s think a like.” I am sure we have all had experiences that make us think of this expression – it seems to speak to the power of connection and the abundance of the universe. When I first started cooking at Partner Earth, Pam Montgomery told me about a salad dressing that she always made. With a hint of sarcasm and an air of seriousness she said, “I think people half come back here for the salad dressing!” When she told me what was in it I listened with a smile, for I too had made a dressing similar many times before. Good olive oil, fresh herbs, balsamic, mustard and honey…could it get any better? I guess great minds really do think a like.
Makes 4 cups (1 quart) of salad dressing.
3 cups olive oil
1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
2 Tbs. honey
2 Tbs. prepared, whole grain mustard
1 Tbs. kelp powder
1 Tbs. nutritional yeast
2-3 cloves of fresh, raw garlic
1-2 Tbs. tamari
2 Tbs. fresh Thyme
2 Tbs. fresh oregano
2 Tbs. fresh tarragon
2 Tbs. fresh chives
Combine all ingredients in the food processor and blend on high for 3-5 minutes, or until all ingredients are mixed and the garlic and herbs are finely chopped. For this dressing to be delicious you must use fresh herbs! Measurements of herbs can be approximate – these quantities refer to heaping tablespoons of chopped herbs. Shake well before using and do not refrigerate (putting it in the refrigerator will cause the nutritional yeast and kelp powder to clump and get too thick).
Judy, washing salad greens in the stream!