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St. John Ocean Point

Moon Wisdom – Waxing Moon

Waxing moon, swelling and expanding with growth and with passion. New and fragile, tender and vulnerable you shine with possibility. Wise moon, with your potent energy of new, still you grow slow and steady. Walking gently as you change, you teach us to respect the time and space needed to…


Moon Wisdom – Waning Moon

Wise waning moon, slowly cutting back and growing small, reserving and preserving the rich energy of creation, the fertile energy of the world, the soft glow of change. Elder of the night sky, conductor of closing days, snuffer of waning flames - show me the way to go. The waning…


Moon Wisdom – Full Moon

Great circle of light, queen of the night - full of magic and mystery, your bright belly holds the psychic, the healing and the power to be. Your energy is intoxicating, your glow inspiring, your beauty full of confidence and grace. The full moon rises as the sun sets, so…

Golden Milk With Fresh Tumeric

Golden Milk – with Fresh Turmeric!

Turmeric, Curcuma longa, is a perennial in the ginger family, native to warmer regions of Asia. The part of the turmeric plant most commonly used as food and medicine is the rhizome (shallow, horizontal growing root). Many people are familiar with turmeric and use it dried and powdered as a…

Brittany Wod Nickerson

Welcome to my blog!

Hi!  My name is Brittany, and I write about what inspires me in my practice as an herbalist and educator, and as a person who loves to putter around in the kitchen. Here you will find a combination of recipes, home remedies, herbal and nutritional wisdom, and musings about my experiences in life, teaching and health.  Thanks for reading and enjoy!

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